Behind the Scenes: What Happens Before You See Motion Graphics and Visual Effects
Whether you are promoting a brand, pushing for worthy causes, demonstrating products, or explaining a complicated subject, visual stimulation gets the message across. Through the years, animators have been tapped by established businesses and startups to create motion graphics NYC and visual effects NYC that heads to YouTube, other video sharing sites, and landing pages that help them get sales. Content is king and video does the job of luring in customers, donors, or investors. Motion graphics and visual effects are now on a high demand as it has been a cost-effective tool to woo would -be clients. If you are curious how things are done by motion graphics NYC and visual effects companies, below is an overview of how it is done: Concepts The first step to creating a great motion graphic or visual effects NYC video is to discuss with the professional artist what the video is about. Brands, for example, normally want to demonstrate their products or services as the best solution to problems of consumers. Visual Style The next thing to determine in the production of a motion graphic is the visual style. You have to discuss with the graphics company if it will be realistic, cartoonish, 3D or flat, among other elements. There are other things to consider like if the motion graphics will have characters or just text, visual metaphors to convey messages, and how your audience should relate to the video. It will help if you have example videos that you love and use them as reference when you meet with the animators. Script Your script will determine the narrative of the video. This will be dictate the visuals, voices, movements, sounds, and other elements of the motion graphics NYC. Brands or companies who will outsource their video production can outline the main points of the story and later on have a professional determine the word-for-word script that will be used. Storyboard The motion graphics NYC company will then produce the storyboard where visuals and sounds that makes your script come alive are suggested. The visual effects NYC team will create style frames that can be rearranged when necessary. Every important moment of the narrative is roughly sketched including the actions of the characters. Sound Effects, Music, and Voice Over The music that comes with the motion graphics primarily sets the mood for the audience. This is basically the case when the video consist mostly of animated text. Other motion graphics need voice overs used for the different animated characters. Sound effects are also used to make it more entertaining and realistic. When using music, you may have to deal with copyright issues but original tracks can also be done for you by professionals. When voice over is involved, motion graphics companies cast voice professionals to do the job. Auditions are done in order to find the best talents that fit the characters or the brand image. Animation The animators will produce a rough draft a few frames of the motion graphics that will try to check the visual style. If everything is okay, a full draft is done that includes voice over. Necessary revisions are made and the final animation is done with all the music, voice over, and other sound effects included.