How to Know Whether Split Level Is The Right Design For Sloped Block

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Split level designs are the perfect answer for building on sloped land. A split level style utilizes all of the space efficiently, providing an answer for how to build living space that works well on Mother Nature's rolling hills. Utilizing Destination Living's Split Level Designs is a good first step towards building a comfortable and attractive home.

Given the possibility for sloping terrains in many parts of the world, split level designs are extremely practical. They work for downhill sloping and uphill inclines as well as side-to-side hilly elevations. It is highly recommended that people interested in building a home on ground that is not flat find an experienced builder with knowledge about how to build on slopes. The builders and designers at Destination Living understand how important a family's home is and offer advice about how to proceed with this all-important project.

Split level homes are designed around some basic utilitarian functions. Typically, there is one level dedicated to sleeping, and another level for the kitchen and shared living spaces where a family watches TV and prepares meals together. The bottom level is usually where the garage is located and connects with outdoor recreation areas. In many cases, there is also a basement or crawl space one level lower than the garage. Destination Living's Split Level Designs take into account the best design for a particular family's needs.

An experienced design firm like Destination Living will customize a split level home that is also compatible with important basic building elements that must be considered, like the slope of the land, zoning requirements and aesthetic concerns, such as the view. Designing a house that is practical for a family's needs is crucial. For example, it is important to consider the age and health conditions of a family before designing a split level structure. Steps can be a problem for older couples if they are using walkers or a cane, while a younger family might enjoy steps as a good way to get some extra exercise. These are the types of issues that must be evaluated when designing a house.

Traffic flow is another way to determine the best design for a split level home. No one wants a bedroom that people will have to walk through in order to get to the kitchen or den. While this example sounds far fetched, it is the type of functional glitch that an experienced designer and builder anticipates and takes into consideration. Another common design error is placing a bathroom too close to the kitchen. It is nice to have a half-bath on the main floor for guests, but a bathroom that is within earshot of the dining room or kitchen can be embarrassing. These are the types of potential problems that an experienced builder such as Destination Living knows to avoid.

One of the reasons consumers should find an experienced builder familiar with building on inclines is due to the potential for disaster. There are many unique considerations that must be accounted for when building on hills. Neglecting any of the following elements when designing a split level home can cause expensive and dangerous problems. Some of the most important issues to be researched and considered relate to the foundation structure, utility access, grading, erosion, proper drainage, vegetation, zoning ordinances, street access, fire protection, roofing and aesthetics. Consulting with an experienced firm like Destination Living and reviewing Destination Living's Split Level Designs is a good place to begin when building a new split level home.

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