Very few crimes have quite the same stigma attached to them as prostitution, and in addition to the social disgrace such a charge can cause, convictions for sex crimes have serious consequences, including imprisonment and hefty fines. There are multiple people who can be charged with prostitution crimes, including the prostitutes themselves, customers, pimps, and brothel owners. Each one of these individuals can face more serious charges when convicted of a second offense. If you are facing charges related to prostitution in Chicago, hire a hard-hitting and experienced Chicago prostitution lawyer who will defend you with knowledge, compassion, and conviction.
Under Illinois law, a prostitute may be charged under one of two laws. You may be charged for prostitution itself. The first offense against this law is categorized as a Class A Misdemeanor and is punishable by up to one year in prison, a $2,500 fine, or both. If you drove a car to the place where the arrest took place, you may also have your car impounded. The second offense of this law is categorized as a Class 4 Felony. If convicted of the felony count, you can be punished with up to three years in prison, as well as a $25,000 fine. However, if this is the first Class 4 Felony conviction, you may be given a discharge and a 24-month probation. This is one of many reasons that it is important to hire a Chicago prostitution lawyer if you are facing charges. Prostitutes may also be charged for street solicitation. This law is valid only in Chicago city limits and does not apply in the rest of Illinois. Under this law, there is no differentiation between first and second offenses. You will be charged between $750 and $1,500 or face up to 20 days in jail. You may also be required to do 100 hours of community service or spend equal time at a diversion program. If you used a car to get to the place you were arrested, you will have your car impounded. Finally, the police have the right to release your name to all local newspapers and TV and radio stations.
However, prostitutes are not the only ones who may need to hire a Chicago prostitution lawyer. Under Illinois state law, prostitution customers, pimps, and brothel owners are subject to the same fines and prison time as prostitutes for both their first and second offense. If you are facing prostitution charges on any of these levels of involvement, it is imperative that you hire an excellent Chicago prostitution lawyer. Courts can be hard on these cases, so you should make sure that you have sound, aggressive legal representation and defense.