Then Importance of Strong Project Managers at Energy Companies

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Stuart Hitchcock is the project manager at Origin Energy, which is an Australian energy company. Energy companies tend to focus on generating power and distributing this energy to the individuals and businesses that purchase those services. Energy companies usually get their power by a few different methods. These methods include electricity, gas, coal, and oil. All of these methods can produce useable power for the energy company to sell to their consumers. As the consumption of energy has grown exponentially over the years, energy companies have also began to focus on energy conservation and infrastructure, figuring out how to be the most efficient with the limited resources that they use. Often this takes more effort, money, and manpower, but it saves more energy for future use and keeps excess energy from being wasted. Energy companies provide the utilities for most people around the world. Whether it is a private home, a multi-million corporation, or a public school, chances are they get their air, electricity, and sometimes even water from an energy company. This means that energy companies are an indispensable part of global society and their work is vital to the everyday life that most people in the world know and enjoy.

Stuart Hitchcock is a project manager at Origin Energy. This means that he has a specific set of responsibilities that help the company to finish the job at a certain project site. Project managers typically take the lead at any given project site, and they lead the planning and execution of any given project. These projects can be vast in size and much different in scope. Construction projects such as building into or alongside architecture, computer networking and telecommunications, and even developing energy software to be used on site are all part of the job of being a project manager for Origin Energy. Most service industries tend to have project managers and Origin Energy is no different. As a project manager for Origin Energy, Stuart Hitchcock focuses on project sites that produce energy and help conserve it. He also works at sites that are having trouble maintaining their energy or pipelines that are not transferring energy properly. A project manager has to solve these problems on the ground with their customers while also giving good customer service.

Stuart Hitchcock has a number of special abilities that aid him at his job of project manager for Origin Energy. Because he has to work directly with so many customers on solving their problems, he has great communication skills as well as a large bank of industry knowledge and lingo to rely on. Stuart Hitchcock uses his communication skills to work with his skilled staff to finish projects and meet the goals that the company has. He's known for his quick turnaround and top notch finish at any project site he visits.

In his personal time, Stuart Hitchcock enjoys the time off to watch movies and read new books. His affinity for reading has led to a life time of new books that can sometimes be seen even in his office.

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